Our Services

Feasibility studies


Diving into a new technology headfirst can be expensive. Let our team of experts examine your existing processes and create feasibility studies that will help you make the right decisions.

We provide TELOS framework feasibility studies to analyze technical, economic, legal, operational, and scheduling feasibility of projects as an important tool in deciding if and how to best execute them.

It’s impossible to know everything – consult our team of specialists to find hidden strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats your company faces in implementing new technologies. The most expensive study is always the one you decided not to do.

What We Offer

Technological feasibility studies

We analyze and deliver findings whether your project is technologically feasible and if your team has the capabilities to adopt the new solution.

Economic feasibility studies

How does your project compare to other solutions, is it more cost effective, is your company able to fund and support it?

Legal feasibility studies

Our partners can check whether your project complies with the law or conflicts with any internal organizational policies and agreements.

operational feasibility studies

Implementing a new technology can have a big impact on your established processes and can effect other departments and projects.

Scheduling feasibility studies

Projects need to be carried out in realistic timelines. It’s important to identify key risks that can delay a project or render it useless if it’s not finished on time.

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